Shameless Plug App Shameless Updates
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Shameless Plug is a privacy focused ad management platform for your apps and websites.

Shamelessly showcase high-quality ads and messages from advertisers you choose, allowing you to monetize the free-tier of your app without lowering the quality of your products. All with privacy in mind.

Shameless Plug will be launching in September.

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Shameless Plug and Google AdSense

There are many differences but also a few similarities between Shameless Plug and Google AdSense. I thought it would be worth covering the most important aspects to better understand what Shameless Plug is. Both are ad management platforms, but we differ in how we handle our customers, their visitors' privacy, and advertisers. What is Google AdSense and how does it work?Google AdSense is a tool for website and mobile app owners to place Google Ads on their sites. Google connects...

Thinking about pricing for Shameless Plug

One of the main differences between Shameless Plug and other advertising platforms like Google or Facebook is that we allow/require the developer to be in full control over the ads they display to the end user. This model requires some extra effort from the developer to find advertisers wanting to showcase their products within an app they have access to. In return, devs will keep all the revenue they make, while Shameless Plug handles all the backend work to display...