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August 8th, 2024

Shameless Plug and Google AdSense

There are many differences but also a few similarities between Shameless Plug and Google AdSense. I thought it would be worth covering the most important aspects to better understand what Shameless Plug is. Both are ad management platforms, but we differ in how we handle our customers, their visitors' privacy, and advertisers.

What is Google AdSense and how does it work?

Google AdSense is a tool for website and mobile app owners to place Google Ads on their sites. Google connects you, the website owner, with advertisers so you can display ad content. When you register for AdSense, Google uses an ad auction system to place ads on your site. These ads are chosen based on your website’s niche and the interests of your site visitors. In return for hosting Google ads, Google pays you a commission for each click the ads receive. Google AdSense is not a get-rich-quick scheme. For niche and small websites, Google AdSense will generate a few bucks per month. 

Google AdSense is so effective because it tracks people around the web collecting information about their location, shopping preferences, favorite sports, movies and more. And while your website gets a few dollars per month, it is the high traffic publications who are benefiting from a well profiled visitors. It is the big players who will be able to generate enough clicks to make this system viable for themselves and for Google.

What is Shameless Plug and how does it work?

Shameless Plug is an ad management network for websites and mobile apps that takes care of all the infrastructure for you. We handle everything from providing an API to display ads, ad management tools, a portal for your clients to upload ads, and performance stats for the campaigns you're running. Unlike Google AdSense, we are not an auction-based system, which means you get the full amount of the money your advertisers pay you. Since you're in full control, you're responsible for selecting good ad matches for your app and website and controlling how many ads you display.

Why Shameless Plug?

We believe you can run ads while retaining the privacy of your readers. Shameless Plug gives you and your advertisers effective tools to measure campaign efficiency without tracking your visitors around the web. We hope high quality and relevant ads will be beneficial to you and your readers without flooding them with annoying popups and banners containing irrelevant product. And we really hope the revenue you will get through a direct relationship with the advertisers should be yours and we aren't entitled to commission on sales you make.

  • Michal