Shameless Plug App Shameless Updates
July 31st, 2024

For Developers

I always find it quite hard to make a product pitch of my own apps that would be easily digestible for a random person. With Shameless Plug, the story is quite different since I started as a user (iOS developer) who got to know the service quite well from a user's perspective.

Shameless Plug is for devs who are looking into app monetization through ads but are repelled by the disgusting ads served by Google or Facebook and don't want to give away the privacy of their users. The name says it all. As a developer you should shamelessly plug products and services you believe in. Not because you get $0.001 per random click but because you want to promote products your users/visitors might enjoy using. And we think that down the road, this path will increase your revenue.

If you need more convincing, please take a look at this article from 9to5Mac. Somehow the in-house advertising model goes strong for Marco since 2017.

  • Michał