Shameless Plug App Shameless Updates
July 29th, 2024

Sublime Ads becomes Shameless Plug

Vincent Ritter, my dear friend who I have known for quite some time now, created Sublime Ads in March of 2020. The main purpose of the service was for developers to be in full control over the ads they serve on websites or their mobile apps. It was designed to prioritize privacy, which is quite contrary to the big services out there.

I started using Sublime Ads in one of my iOS apps shortly after its initial release and loved it. I had big plans to use it as an extra revenue stream on the free tier of Watch Case, sort of like Overcast does with their podcasting ads displayed in the app. It worked well, and I started bugging Vincent to add new features to the service. I must say, I was quite annoying.

Fast forward a few more years, Vincent and I started talking to share responsibilities to push Sublime Ads forward and give it the proper exposure it deserves. We were thinking about how to manage it properly with his development experience and me wanting to take over all the rest of the tasks. We agreed that the best way to move forward would be a fresh start under my supervision and his involvement as a developer. I must say I'm so grateful that he decided to stay active.

It is not a finished story, and we are still trying to figure out the work it will take to re-launch Sublime Ads under its new name and with a few new features. One thing for sure is that with Vincent's help, we will do our best to give this great piece of software the attention it deserves. And rest assured, we will not compromise on the simplicity of the service nor the privacy angle that is so important to Vincent and me.